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See for Arnold the Chronica majorum et vicecomitum Londoniarum in Liber de antiquis legibus, and Riley's introduction to his translation of Chronicles of the Mayors and Sheriffs of London . During the early months of 1258, the aliens ruled the king and realm, added estate to estate, and defied all attempts to dislodge them.

Contemporary legal treatises concerning county government are Michael Dalton, Officium Vicecomitum, or the Office and Authority of Sheriffs , and The Country Justice ; William Greenwood, Authority, Jurisdiction, and Method of Keeping County Courts, Courts-Leet, and Courts-Baron, etc. ; William Lambarde, Eirenarcha, or the Office of the Justices of Peace ; A. Fitzherbert, L'Office et Authorities de Justices de Peace , often quoted as "Crompton", an editor who enlarged the original work in 1583; John Wilkinson, Office and Authority of Coroners and Sheriffs . All these appear in numerous editions, the above dates being, as far as ascertained, those of the earliest editions.

Take down, for instance, the volume of the Camden called "De Antiquis Legibus Liber," otherwise, "Cronica Majorum et Vicecomitum Londoniarum," printed from "a small folio, nine inches and a half in length and seven inches in breadth, the binding of white leather covering wooden backs, and containing 159 leaves of parchment, paged continuously with Arabic cyphers."

Obitus pie memorie Egidii de Breusa Herefordensis Episcopi, qui inter cetera bona decimas omnium molendinorum maneriorium suorum Herefordensi Ecclesie contulit, et per cartam quam a Domino Rege Johanne acquisivit omnes homines sui ab exactionibus vicecomitum liberantur."