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Filling his mouth with an enormous quid of tobacco, he commenced: "Better than four years ago Linwood smashed up, smack and clean; lost everything he had, and the rest had to be sold at vandue. But what was worse than all, seein' he was a fine feller in the main, and I guess didn't mean to fail, he took sick, and in about a month died." "And what became of his widow and orphan?" asked St.

Uncle Israel looked at him for a moment, and then replied, "The Lord knows, I suppose, but Israel don't." "Did they suffer at all?" asked St. Leon. "Not as long as I stuck to them, but they sarved me real mean," answered Uncle Israel. "In what way?" "Why, you see," said Uncle Israel, "I don't know why, but somehow I never thought of matrimony till I got a glimpse of Ada at her father's vandue.

Three weeks, however, after her return a rich man, who lived in the village which was known as "Over the River," failed, and all his furniture was sold at auction. Many were the surmises of my grandmother, on the morning of the sale, as to what "Cap'n Howard could be going to buy at the vandue and put in the big lumber wagon," which he drove past our house.

She shorely is a verse maker, an' is known in the Cumberland country as 'The Nightingale of Big Bone Lick. I remembers when a Shylock over to the Dudleytown bank forecloses a mortgage on old Homer Hines, an' offers his settlements at public vandue that a-way, how Mollie prances out an' pours a poem into the miscreant.