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With regard to the two boys, it was much the same; only instead of accomplishments, I was to get the greatest possible quantity of Latin grammar and Valpy's Delectus into their heads, in order to fit them for school the greatest possible quantity at least WITHOUT trouble to themselves. John might be a 'little high- spirited, and Charles might be a little 'nervous and tedious

All the classics are there one complete set of Valpy's in good russia, and many separate copies of each, valuable for text or annotation.

Valpy's Epitomizing press would reduce the editor's three hundred pages to seventy-five. It is a thankless office to be obliged to speak thus of a book on which some pains have been bestowed.

R. Patrick, recently published in Valpy's Classical, Biblical and Oriental Journal.

I had ample means for the purchase of books, for I lived very cheap on bread, ale, and coffee, and I had access to a library containing all the Latin classics Valpy's edition in one hundred and fifty volumes, octavo, a magnificent publication and about fifteen thousand other books.

Plummer's plainness, and the destruction of her purple gown. Mrs. Mitford writes back in return describing Reading festivities, 'an agreeable dinner at Doctor Valpy's, where Mrs. Women and Miss Peacock are present and Mr. J. Simpson, M.P.; the dinner very good, two full courses and one remove, the soup giving place to one quarter of lamb. Mrs. Mitford sends a menu of every dinner she goes to.

Eternal novity. Writing to Hood in 1824 Lamb speaks of the New River as "rather elderly by this time." Dyer, it should be remembered, was of Emmanuel College, and the historian of Cambridge University. George Dyer contributed "all that was original" to Valpy's edition of the classics 141 volumes.