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The joyous manner in which she expands socially, and scintillates conversationally, proves how keen her sufferings must have been in the uncomprehending and unrequiting circles in which we have been living.

Even the white woolly Maltese dog that sprang from the rug to welcome him even the flowers in the jardiniere even the tasteful cottage-piano, and the very music-stand beside it and the card- trays, piled high with invitations, were contributions from the forgiving sex to the unrequiting bachelor.

Whether this prize ever did turn up in the course of years, I am unable to say; but certainly, up to the period of his history I now speak of, all had been as gloomy and unrequiting as need be.

And as he spoke there came to some of them who knew their annals well a stinging memory of the tale which was no legend of that pathetic group in their island sanctuary the brothers who were left, after the death of Otto, the exiled Doge, and of Orso, the noble bishop-prince, all of the house of Orseoli, who, with their abbess-sister Felicia, were wounded to the heart because for the crime of too great love and service the jealous and unrequiting Senate had banished them forever from the Venice so loyally served had decreed the extinction of a family to whom, as Doge and Patriarch, the Republic owed the wisest and most self-sacrificing of her rulers!

Unquestionably their characters were strikingly dissimilar, yet there was that in each which the other recognised as familiar to his own nature. Each had been the victim of his heart; each had passed over the ploughshare of self-sacrifice. Darrell had offered up his youth Waife his age; Darrell to a Father and the unrequiting Dead Waife to a Son whose life had become his terror.