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But what with a bit o' subscription heer, and what with a bit o' help theer, it were done at last, though I don't hardly know how. Then it were unfort'net for us, you see, as we got kep' in Bristol so long nigh a fortnight, it were on accounts of a mistake wi' Brother Halliday. Swaller'd up money, it did, when we might have come straight on. You are of the Mormon religion, of course?

Mentioning them unfort'net words of mine respecting Gaffer, it is contrairily to be bore in mind that Gaffer always were a precious rascal, and that his line were a thieving line. Besides which, I think the wine of them two Governors was I will not say a hocussed wine, but fur from a wine as was elthy for the mind. And there's another thing to be remembered, Captain.

The youth covered the page with one enormous paw and playfully attempted to insert the little finger of the other into the hole in Porringer's ear. "What now, old Runaway," he said, lazily, "hunting up fresh curses to pour on our unfort'net heads?" "Cursed be he who makes a mock of age," said the Muggletonian, grimly.

Behind Jim stood a little woe-begone creature in a ragged dress, her head covered by a large crumpled sun-bonnet. The tears were rolling down her face, and in her hand she held the bottom of a broken glass medicine bottle. "Look here, grandmother," said Jim, "I picked up this unfort'net little mortal just outside the Lodge gates.