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She would have suspected ulterior motives if he had asked her the time. Jimmy did not know this. He thought that she eyed him a trifle frostily, but he did not attribute this to any suspicion of him. He tried to ingratiate himself by smiling pleasantly. He could not have made a worse move. Marsden Tuke's pleasant smile had been his deadliest weapon.

The only person she feared would oppose Tuke's departure, was Arthur. She went to find him, told him what had happened to the young man, and, feeling her way, proposed that he should go to his grandfather's for a few days. Arthur started. Send him where he and Barbara would be constantly meeting! Must he for ever imagine them walking up and down that field, among the dandelions and daisies!

Tuke's experiences Inquests given up W.G.'s letters on Mayo Effect of Famine on the relations of landlord and tenant Extermination of the smaller tenantry Evictions Opinion of an eyewitness A mother takes leave of her children Ass and horse flesh something more dreadful! The weather its effects. Count Strezelecki. Mr. Egan's account of Westport Anointing the people in the streets!

I sent him Tuke's "Principles," and he told me yesterday he was attentively studying it. My dear M.Y. told me it had been given her to believe we were in our right place, and that we were called by religious intercourse to bear witness for our Lord and Master and his good cause.

But no notice was taken of Tuke's letter, and a gulf of negation seemed to yawn between the houses. Thus was initiated a dreary time for Richard. Now first he began to know what unhappiness was. The seeming loveless weather that hung over the earth and filled the air, was in joyless harmony with his feelings. But had his trouble fallen in a more genial season, it would have been worse.