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Potter looked upon this production as the height of irreverence and irreligion, and proposed to excommunicate the authors of it. Hence the dissenters declared themselves seceders, and took immediate steps to form a new society. It was at this stage of the excitement that I returned to Troubleton and made my call upon the Doctor. I felt anxious to save my old friend and worthy pastor.

Fearing the return of the enlightened Jarvis, I now left, and, taking the first train to Troubleton, informed some of the leading Dispensationists concerning their pastor's calamity. By dint of heavy bail and strong representations they saved him, together with the butcher and baker and candlestick-maker, from the disgrace of prison and the lunatic asylum.

"Allow me to ask, are you a believer in Dispensationism?" "Not so strong as I might be. However, I have been absent from Troubleton for three months, and only returned yesterday." "Ah! you have lost precious opportunities. You must lose no more. Life is short." "And uncertain," I added. "Especially in railroad travelling."

The last words rose to a high, clear shriek, which pierced the heavy rumble of the train and rang throughout the car. The fanaticism of Troubleton had already flown far and cast a vague shadow of dread over a large community. Turning abruptly from the conductor, my companion flung out his long arms toward the staring passengers, and continued in his strident, startling tenor: "I have warned him.

Potter, not with any hope that he would put his name to it, but for the purpose of ridiculing his infatuation, and driving him to resign his pulpit. "I, the undersigned, pastor of the First Church in Troubleton, having been led far from the truth by the absurdities of modern miracleism and spiritualism, and having seen the error of my ways, do penitently subscribe to the accompanying articles.