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The second squadron of the Lancers shot by, and there was the troop-horse, with his tail like spun silk, his head pulled into his breast, one ear forward and one back, setting the time for all his squadron, his legs going as smoothly as waltz music.

"What I want to know," said the young mule, who had been quiet for a long time "what I want to know is, why we have to fight at all." "Because we're told to," said the troop-horse, with a snort of contempt. "Orders," said Billy the mule, and his teeth snapped. "Hukm hai!" "Yes, but who gives the orders?" said the recruit-mule.

How are the politicians' park hacks to be kept sleek if the troop-horse don't tighten his girth a bit? Be patriotic, old dear; eat less oats. Chestnut. That Mess gramophone must be red-hot by now. It's been running continuous since First Post. I suppose somebody's mamma has sent him a bottle of ginger-pop, and they're seeing life while the bubbles last. Monty.

If he had to die as a damned infantryman, he wasn't going to be buried as such. A troop-horse of a flanking squadron decided that he had had enough of war, and jibbed like Lot's wife. Then he got off and led the horse, which was evidently what the brute wanted, for when the man remounted the jibbing began again.

Always keep hidden as much as possible, even if you have to go a mile out of your way. I lead the battery when it comes to that sort of climbing." "Fired at without the chance of running into the people who are firing!" said the troop-horse, thinking hard. "I couldn't stand that. I should want to charge with Dick." "Oh, no, you wouldn't.