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"My fellow cave-men, fell in a rage: 'What hast thou done? cried Singh, the Sage, 'For I hear far off a battle-song, And the tree-men come, a hundred strong ... Long the battle and dread the fight; We hurled rocks down from our mountain height" I copy this from memory alone ... Hildreth has all my cave-poems. I gave them to her, holding no transcripts of them The upshot

And his cat met him, and then his mother met him. "Where were you, dear?" his mother asked. "I was helping the tree-men paint egg-spots. How big are moth-eggs, mother?" But his mother didn't know. And that's all. Once upon a time there was a little boy, and he was almost five years old, and his name was David.

This swarm of tree-men formed the Spanish skirmish-line, and a most dangerous and effective line it was, for the reason that it could be neither seen, driven in, nor dislodged. The hidden marksmen used Mauser rifles with smokeless powder, and although our men heard the reports and were killed or disabled by the projectiles, they had no guide or clue whatever to the location of their assailants.

Do you see those holes in the mountain-side there? And there they are, something like gorillas, only twice as big, and up the trees, too and what trees! They must be seven or eight hundred feet high." "Tree-men and cave-dwellers, and ancestors of the future royal race of Saturn, I suppose!" said Redgrave. "They don't look very nice, do they?

This same silver maple is a bone of contention among tree-men, at times. Some will tell you it is "coarse"; and so it is when planted in an improper place upon a narrow street, allowed to flourish unrestrained for years, and then ruthlessly cropped off to a headless trunk!