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Why! if I tried to rewrite it and bring it out, I might be accused of plagiarizing my own work." "Jimminy!" "I wouldn't dare," said Ruth, shaking her head. "As long as I do not know what has become of the scenario and my notes, I will not dare use the idea at all. It is dreadful!" The rain was now falling less torrentially. The tempest was passing.

His right leg came out of the hole, and just then the rain descended torrentially again. The flames from this opening in the roof of the furnace were beaten down. Tom got to his feet, shaking and panting. He hobbled painfully when he walked. But in a moment he seized upon the pole he had dropped and made for the smoking timber cart.

And with the whole strength of my true nature do I love you, so potently, so overwhelmingly that I will not believe you sensible of no response." Thus torrentially he delivered himself, and swept her a little off her feet.

Usually he was preoccupied and she did most of the talking not a difficult matter for her, as she was one of those who by nature have much to say, who talk on and on, giving lively, pleasant recitals of commonplace daily happenings. That evening it was her turn to be abstracted, or, at least, silent. He talked volubly, torrentially, like a man of teeming mind in the highest spirits.

Many windows were paneless, and in swept the wind howling, and the rain pouring torrentially. Many of the inmates slept on the bare tiled floors, never unclothing themselves.

But can I sit back all my life and be satisfied with 'Hey, folks'? They want shouts on Main Street, and I want violins in a paneled room. Why ?" Vida Sherwin ran in after school a dozen times. She was tactful, torrentially anecdotal. She had scuttled about town and plucked compliments: Mrs. Dr.