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Yesterday the faithful D'Arget told me with sorrow that in Paris people were talking of your Poem." Horrible; but, O Sire, me? "I showed him the eighteen Letters that I received yesterday. They are from Cadiz," all about Finance, no blabbing there! Tie some tin-canister to your too-sensitive tail? Friedrich writes to Voltaire:

His hands were grimy, his face stubbly and streaked with sweat and mud, and he had been months alone with his too-sensitive spirit. "You should not be here," was all he said to her. "This is no place for you." He shook hands with the men, mechanically Allison quizzical, Elliott concerned. He went back to his bridge.

In the last hymn before the sermon, a well-meaning worshipper in the gallery delivered a leading note, a high one, with great zeal, but small precision, being about a semitone flat; at this outrage on her too-sensitive ear, Julia Dodd turned her head swiftly to discover the offender, and failed; but her two sapphire eyes met Alfred's point-blank.

Several poems descriptive of the effects of California scenery upon a too-sensitive soul, and of the vague yearnings for the infinite which an enforced study of the heartlessness of California society produced in the poetic breast, impressed Mr. Tretherick, who was then driving a six-mule freight wagon between Knight's Ferry and Stockton, to seek out the unknown poetess. Mr.

And yet she couldn't stifle that impulse. She giggled aloud. And when he turned when he wheeled and encountered her shining eyes, still wet and brimming above the screen of his own handkerchief, she sensed immediately that he was flushing as little, too-sensitive Steve had flushed years before, when she had laughed at him less kindly.