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"Thishere way. Fanny say, 'Look here, Genesis, I got big job t'morra night an' I'm man short, 'count o' havin' to have a 'nouncer." "A what?" "Fanny talk jes' that way.

She wondered, had her own mother ever lived in a small village? "That's our church," confided Emily, as they passed a large frame building with pointed steeple and belfry. "They're goin' to have a entertainment t'morra night, an' we're all goin' and Ma said you cud go too." "Isn't that lovely!" said Betty, feeling a sudden lump like tears in her throat. It was just like living out a fairy story.

Each was stiff with newness, and sweet to the smell. "And the sky-book, 'r whatever y' call it, and the scout-book, w'y, they'll come t'morra, 'r the day after, I don't know which. Wal, what d' y' say?" "I say 'Thanks' with all of me!" Johnnie answered, trembling with earnestness. They shook hands solemnly. "Oh, our books!" cried Grandpa. "Our nice, little soldier!"

I'll be careful. Whatssay? Where? Oh' I'm at a hole in the ground. Yes, down below Pleasant Valley station. Some telephone! I'll show it to you t'morra! S'long, Chief, I gotta go! It's gettin' dark, goobbye!" Billy gave hurried glances about and rustled under the branches like a snake over to where old trusty lay.

Only at the door as Billy climbed out Mark leaned toward him and said in a low growl: "You're all right, Kid! You're the best friend a man ever had! I appreciate what you did!" "Aw!" squirmed Billy, pulling down his cap, "That's awright! See you t'morra' Cart! S'long!" And Billy stalked slowly down the street remembering for the first time that he had his aunt yet to reckon with.