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Sometimes we encounter a wasp, which I suppose comes from over seas! "The Storys are living two or three miles off, and called upon us a few days ago. You have not seen his Sibyl, which I think very fine, and as containing a very great future. But the young poets generally disappoint us, and are too content with startling us into admiration of their first works, and then go to sleep.

If you get a chance to remonstrate for a moment, he raises his voice and bears you down." In Paris, Margaret attended the Academy lectures, saw much of George Sand, waded through melting snow at Avignon to see Laura's tomb, and at last was in Italy, the country she had longed to see. Here Mrs. Jameson, Powers, and Greenough, and the Brownings and Storys, were her warm friends.

Lee lighted some big logs in it and we all sat round and told terrible storys of pirates and things we made up most, but Billy could think of the worst and Mr. Lee and Aunt Nellie sat with us and told some just like they were children, too.

The good friends from America, the Storys, were not far off, and Landor, after a visit to Story, was placed in occupation of rooms not a stone's-cast from their villa.

Prinsep and Jones do you know them? are in the town. The Storys have passed the summer in the villa opposite, and no less a lion than dear old Landor is in a house a few steps off. I take care of him his amiable family having clawed him a little too sharply: so strangely do things come about!