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In Sam's eyes Lyne could have done no wrong. By Sam Stay's standard he stood for all that was beautiful in human nature. Thornton Lyne was dead! Dead, dead, dead. Every footfall echoed the horrible, unbelievable word. The man was incapable of feeling every other pain was deadened in this great suffering which was his. And who had been the cause of it all?

Positions!" ejaculated Haley, who seemed to be fascinated by the word, "there ain't none on my farm except one and I hold that myself; but there's lots o' work, and why! I want a man right now. What say? Come along, stay's long's yeh like. I like yeh fine." "All right," said Cameron. "Wait till I get my bag, but I ought to tell you I have had no experience." "No experience, eh!" Haley pondered.

Lyne gave him five pounds in the presence of Lyne's butler. He said he left the flat and went to his lodgings in Lambeth, where he went to bed very early. All the evidence we have been able to collect supports his statement. We have interviewed Lyne's butler, and his account agrees with Stay's.

The two men had met; there had been a quarrel; and Milburgh had fired the fatal shot. That part of the story solved the mystery of Thornton Lyne's list slippers and his Chinese characters; his very presence there was cleared up. He thought of Sam Stay's offer.