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Updated: January 7, 2025

"Gee, I feel sorry for these people," said Archer; "they'rre surre up against it. Makes me feel as if I'd like to have one good whack at Kaiser Bill " "Well, don't talk so loud and we'll get a whack at him, all right." "I'd like to get his old double-jointed moustache for a sooveneerr." "There you go again," said Tom.

"I didn't happen to," said Tom. "I always do. Same as you never forget to get a souvenir," he added soberly. "I'd like to get a sooveneerr from that cow, hey? You needn't talk; if it hadn't been for that wire, where'd we be now? Sooveneerrs arre all right. But I admit you've got to have ideas to go with 'em." "Thanks," said Tom. "Keep the change," said Archer jubilantly.

"Maybe we'd betterr drop it tonight and be on the safe side," said Archer. "S'pose we should fall asleep." "We'll take turns sleeping," said Tom decisively. "We can't afford to take any chances." "You can bet I'm going to get a sooveneerr of this place, anyway," said Archer, tugging at a rusty nail. "Never you mind about souvenirs," Tom said; "let's get this door camouflaged."

"We used to know each other in New York. He had even more adventures than I did getting there." "And you escaped?" "Yop." "We put one over on 'em," said Archer. They let us have some chemical stuff to fix the pump engine with and we melted the barbed wire with it and made a place to crawl out through. I got a piece of the barbed wirre for a sooveneerr.

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