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"I got an idea," said Tom simply. "If I could get a piece of that electrified wirre for a souveneerr," mused Archer, "I'd " "You'll have a broken head for a souvenir in a minute," said Tom, "if you don't watch where you're going." "Gee, you've got eyes in your feet," said Archer admiringly. "Whenever you see a fallen tree," said Tom, "look out for holes.

"We used to know each other in New York. He had even more adventures than I did getting there." "And you escaped?" "Yop." "We put one over on 'em," said Archer. They let us have some chemical stuff to fix the pump engine with and we melted the barbed wire with it and made a place to crawl out through. I got a piece of the barbed wirre for a sooveneerr.

"What I'm worrying about now," said Archer, his spirits mounting as they made their way southward, "is how we're going to cross the frontierr when we get to it. They've got a big tangled fence of barrbed wirre all along, even across the mountains, to where the battleline cuts in. And it's got a good juicy electric current running through it all the time. If you just touch it good night!"

"You're always thinking about apples and souvenirs," said Tom. "You can bet I'm going to get a souveneerr in herre, all right!" Archer announced. "Therre ought to be lots of good ones herre, hey?" "Maybe they grow in furious what-d'you-call-'ems?" suggested sober Tom. "If it keeps as level as this, we ought to be able to waltz into the barrbed wirre by tomorrow night.