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"But a third time he came, and seized hold of my head; 'Twas in vain that the doctor both blister'd and bled; My hand, and my side, and my heart too, I think, Would soon have been lost, though pure wine I might drink." Chorus. "Yellow Jack! Yellow Jack! hie thee hack! hie thee back! Begone to thy father, old Sootie.

Lookye here, my lad, you must be 'bout starving." "Starving, Bob? I had not thought of it," said the boy, sadly. "Then I'll think for you. I say you must have something, and so must I. Fellow's engine won't work without coal. Hi! Jackum! Something to eat?" The black bounded to his side. "Jackum want eat. Baal hab bit snakum." "More you did, Sootie; but you shall have something better. Come along."

After the sangaree, strong, and highly spiced, had been quaffed, the excitement grew wilder, and the leader of our revels exclaimed, at the top of his voice, "Wine, gentlemen, wine brimmers!" and thus continued "Yellow Jack! Yellow Jack! hie thee back! hie thee back! Begone to thy father, old Sootie, Pure wine now I'll drink, So Jack, I should think, Of me thou wilt never make booty, Yellow Jack!

You know that of late divers Learned Men, having adopted the three Hypostatical Principles, besides other Notions of the Chymists, are very inclinable to reduce all Qualities of Bodies to one or other of those three Principles, and Particularly assign for the cause of Blackness the Sootie steam of adust or torrifi'd Sulphur.