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"And you know blasted well none of us is going to sleep until we have some line of attack on this white elephant disposal problem. Anybody any ideas?" Fuller looked at the other three. "You know, in design when two incompatible materials must be structurally united, we tie each to a third material that is compatible with both. "Sonor didn't win this fight. Kaxor didn't win it.

It happened that Sonor and New York had been in opposition at midnight two nights ago, which meant that it was now ten o'clock Sonorian time. The result was that Arcot left the car to speak to the officer in charge of the guard about the ship. "We need some pure water water free of copper salts. I think it would be best if you can get me some water that has been distilled. That is, for drinking.

"They'll be making the same mistake Sonor did if they don't knowingly ignoring the existence of a highly intelligent and competent race. It doesn't seem to work, judging from history both at home and here." The four looked at each other, and found agreement. "That's something more than a problem to sleep on," Morey said.

After they had gone, the Terrestrians turned in for the night, leaving a telephone connection with the armed guard outside. The dull light of the Venerian day was filtering in through the windows the next morning when the Terrestrians awoke. It was eight o'clock, New York time, but Sonor was working on a twenty-three hour day.

Arcot had left a small radio receiver with Tonlos in Sonor before he started on this trip, and had given him directions on how to tune in on the Solarite. Now he sent a message to him, telling that the plane had been brought down, and asking that a squadron of planes be sent at once.