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He had desired her presence because he wished her to see him as an entertainer of guests such as the Westlakes, whom she would perceive to be people of refinement; it occurred to him, too, that such an occasion might aid his snit by exciting her ambition; for he was anything but confident of immediate success with Adela, especially since recent conversations with Mrs. Waltham.

Worthington infinitely more was the progress of his suit; for it had become a snit, though progress is a wrong word to use in connection with it. So far had he got, not a great distance, and then came to what he at length discovered was a wall, and apparently impenetrable. He was not even allowed to look over it.

Worthington infinitely more was the progress of his suit; for it had become a snit, though progress is a wrong word to use in connection with it. So far had he got, not a great distance, and then came to what he at length discovered was a wall, and apparently impenetrable. He was not even allowed to look over it.

The latter appeared in the inventories of all genteel folk, and decorated the walls of all genteel parlors. Candlesticks and snuffers were found in every house; the latter were called by various names, the word snit or snite being the most curious. It is from the old English snyten, to blow, and was originally a verb to snite the candle, or put it out.

In the inventory of property of John Gager, of Norwich, in 1703, appears "One Snit." Snuffer-boats or slices were snuffer-trays. Another curious illuminating appurtenance was called a save-all or candle-wedge. It was a little frame of rings or cups with pins, by which our frugal ancestors held up the last dying bit of burning candle.

Worthington infinitely more was the progress of his suit; for it had become a snit, though progress is a wrong word to use in connection with it. So far had he got, not a great distance, and then came to what he at length discovered was a wall, and apparently impenetrable. He was not even allowed to look over it.