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It is the hour when they are generally noisiest; but they have gone to bed the sparrows and the finches, the snatchers and the snatched-from, are equal in the article of sleep. That is because they feel the touch of autumn. How beautiful it is, in spite of its sadness, this first touch of autumn it is like sad distant music. Can you analyse it, can you explain it?

I defend nothing. I merely recognise and accept. Sparrows finches. It's the way of the world the established division of the world." She frowned incomprehension. "The established division of the world ?" "Exactly," said he. "Sparrows finches the snatchers and the snatched-from. Everything that breathes is either a sparrow or a finch.

"No," he answered, "because there's a compensation. As you rise in the scale of moral development, it is true, you pass from the category of the snatchers to the category of the snatched-from, and your ultimate extinction is assured. But, on the other hand, you gain talents and sensibilities. You do not live by bread alone.

I should wish it to be a retreat from the battle an abode of peace a happy valley a sanctuary for the snatched-from." "But why distress one's soul with wishes that are vain?" asked he. "What could one do?" "One could keep a dragon," she answered promptly. "If I were you, I should keep a sparrow-devouring, finch-respecting dragon." "It would do no good," said he.