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Updated: September 3, 2024
Food, weapons, clothes, and ammunition were all deposited in the boat, as well as her mast, sail, and paddles, while her painter, attached to her sharp-pronged grapnel, lay coiled on her half-deck forward.
Mulcachy was equipped with a long-lashed whip and a sharp-pronged fork of iron. In his belt, loaded with blank cartridges, was a revolver. Bellying closer to the ground, Ben Bolt advanced upon him, creeping slowly like a cat stalking a mouse.
The boat was some distance off, and it needed but a glance to show that the mast was broken. "Maybe she's hurt!" suggested Will, starting on the run toward the two figures. Allen had lowered the sail of the Spider and had tossed out a sharp-pronged ice anchor. "Shall we I wonder if we had better go to Alice?" asked Mollie, doubtfully. "Oh, yes, we must, I think," spoke Betty. "Come on, girls."
Intent upon making a meal of blueberries, and entirely unconscious of his impending fate, he waddled slowly and awkwardly up to within fifty yards. The Karnchadals kneeled down, threw forward their long heavy rifles, fixed their sharp-pronged rests firmly in the ground, crossed themselves devoutly three times, drew a long breath, took a deadly and deliberate aim, shut their eyes, and fired.
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