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She's a good-hearted creeter. And between us both, with some pins I took out of my huzzy I always carry with me, we fixed her up agin. And if you'll believe it, the very minit I got her pinned up she begun to act high-headed and to boast of how much principle she'd shown. And I said, "You've shown more'n principle, Selinda; you've showed cotton flannel that you had ort to have kep to yourself.

This wuz in the children's room, and all the animals are reproduced life size, every one of 'em two and two, jest as they enter the Ark. We couldn't hardly tear our two pardners away, Selinda and I couldn't. Josiah said, "It wuz so beautiful and interestin'," and so Bizer said.

Wall, Josiah wuz all took aback; he couldn't seem to bear Bizer's patronizin' ways so well as I could Selinda's. Truly, females learn the lesson well to suffer and be calm. But he acted kinder surly, and proposed that we should go hum; and bein' tired as a dog, I gin a willin' consent, and Bizer and Selinda parted from us, their way layin' different from ourn.

And then Selinda and Bizer, and Josiah and me walked on into other parts of the buildin', and there we see a small-lookin' model of the Santa Maria, the Admiral's flag-ship, manned by men with the same clothes on as wuz wore by Columbuses mariners. That filled me with large emotions, and Selinda felt it too.