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He spoke civilly to me you know my antipathy to game and those who live thereby: but there was a wild, bold, self-helping look about him and his gun alone there in the waste and after all he was a man and a brother.

With a view to this he proposes to call into existence, a threefold organisation, consisting of self-helping and self-sustaining communities, governed and disciplined on the principles of the Salvation Army. These he calls "Colonies", and divides into The City Colony, The Country Colony, and The Over-sea Colony.

Holland and England, self-helping, self-moving, were already inaugurating a new era in the history of the world. The spirit of commercial maritime enterprise then expanding rapidly into large proportions was to be matched against the religious and knightly enthusiasm which had accomplished such wonders in an age that was passing away.

Although man is endowed with a certain self-acting, self-helping power of contributing to his own development, independent of surrounding circumstances, and of reacting upon the life around him, the bias given to his moral character in early life is of immense importance.

The speculation had been a fortunate one both, for himself and for the kingdom. The terrible Sea-King was one of the great types of the sixteenth century. The self-helping private adventurer, in his little vessel the 'Golden Hind, one hundred tons burthen, had waged successful war against a mighty empire, and had shown England how to humble Philip.

The cost of registration and organisation, which the men would gladly pay, need not certainly amount to more than a penny in the shilling. All that is needed is to establish a trustworthy and disinterested centre round which the unemployed can group themselves, and which will form the nucleus of a great Co-operative Self-helping Association. The advantages of such a Bureau are obvious.

The speculation had been a fortunate one both, for himself and for the kingdom. The terrible Sea-King was one of the great types of the sixteenth century. The self-helping private adventurer, in his little vessel the 'Golden Hind, one hundred tons burthen, had waged successful war against a mighty empire, and had shown England how to humble Philip.

It is God's gift wheresoever educated: but its true school- room is the camp and the ocean, the prairie and the forest; active, self-helping life, which can grapple with Nature herself: not merely with printed-books about her. Let no one think that this same Natural History is a pursuit fitted only for effeminate or pedantic men.

The speculation had been a fortunate one both, for himself and for the kingdom. The terrible Sea-King was one of the great types of the sixteenth century. The self-helping private adventurer, in his little vessel the 'Golden Hind, one hundred tons burthen, had waged successful war against a mighty empire, and had shown England how to humble Philip.

Let us look on our servants, our labourers, on every human being over whom we have any influence, as weaker brothers whom God has commanded us to help, teach, and guide in body, mind, and spirit, not that we may make them our slaves, but make them free, manful, self-helping, and in due time independent of us and of everyone except God.