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Trust me a bit longer, guv'nor there's a spot or two down here that I'm fair keen on taking a look at come on, guv'nor, once more! this is Scarvell's Cut."

Then this morning I went to meet the two of them at Scarvell's Cut. And I took the upper hand then! I got them away from that sail-loft safely.

Thence he looked out on the quay, and along the crowded maze of Scarvell's Cut. "Here's some of 'em, anyway, guv'nor," he announced. "I see Mr. Vickers and t'other London gentleman, and the old Admiral, at all events. There they are getting out of a motor at the end. But go to meet 'em, Mr. Copplestone, while I keep my eye on this here tug and its skipper."

Better go back and get help, eh?" He was keenly watching Andrius, and as the skipper of the Pike suddenly moved, he drew Spurge further into the alley. "He's coming out of that hatchway!" whispered Copplestone. "If he comes ashore he'll see us, and then " "No matter, guv'nor," said Spurge reassuringly. "They can't get out o' Scarvell's Cut into the river till the tide serves.

I was to take two men straight and slick into Norcaster, to this here very slip, Scarvell's Cut, to wait while they put a bit of a cargo on board, and then to run 'em back to the same spot where I took 'em up. Done! they come aboard the yacht goes off east I come careenin' west. That's all! That part of it anyway." "And the men?" suggested the detective. "What sort were they, and where are they?"