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Except to lessen his speed it made little difference to the elephant; but for the man it was harder to find his way. On the twisting jungle tracks his luminous compass was of little use. He was forced to trust mainly to the animal. But soon a suspicion arose in his mind that Badshah had swerved away from the direction in which Salchini lay and was heading for Malpura.

"They said?" he exclaimed. "Who are 'they'?" "The men at the club. We have a planters' club for the district, you know. At our last weekly meeting they spoke of you and said that you had nearly been killed by a rogue. Mr. Payne told us that he used to know you." "What? Payne of Salchini? I knew him well. Awfully good chap." "Yes, isn't he? I like him so much."

He felt that it would be advisable for him to talk the matter over with some of the older planters. "Who is your manager here?" he enquired. "A Welshman named Parry." "Are you far from Salchini?" "You mean Payne's garden? Yes; a good way. He's a friend of yours, isn't he?" "Yes; I should like to see him again. I must pay him a visit." "Oh, look here, Major," said Daleham eagerly. I've got an idea.

The girl felt that even her old friends were beginning at last to look askance at her; consequently she tried to avoid going to the weekly gatherings. It happened that on the occasion when Dermot, having arrived at Salchini on a visit to Payne, again made his appearance at the club, Daleham had insisted on his sister accompanying him there, much against her will.

Haggard, hollow-eyed, and worn out, despite the rest, he staggered to his feet and was swung up to Badshah's neck by the crooked trunk and started again. He was hastening towards Salchini, where he hoped to secure Payne's car, if the owner had not fled, and try to get into touch with Army Headquarters. But what to do if his friend had gone he hardly knew.

I 'll tell the villagers as we pass to flay the tiger. I must borrow your brother's pony and ride as fast as I can to Salchini to get Payne's motor to take me to the railway." "The railway?" exclaimed the girl. "Why, what is the matter? Where are you going?" "To Simla. I've found the lost messenger.