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With this fundamental basis of knowledge and instruction, the work of the Sunday-schools could also at once be placed on a far more effective plane. It is a consummation for which every intelligent citizen should earnestly work. The achievement of the last century was to complete the work of the Protestant Reformation and rediscover the Bible.

And Whinnie's explorations are surely worth emulating. I too have a machine inside me which some day I'll be compelled to rediscover. It is a machine which, at present, is merely a pump, though the ancients, I believe, regarded it as the seat of the emotions. Saturday the Twenty-ninth Dinky-Dunk is quite subtle.

He must put the notes back where he had found them, underneath the chair on the landing. If advisable, he might rediscover them in the morning and surrender them immediately. But they must not remain in his room during the night. He must not examine them he must not look at them. He approached the door quickly, lest he might never reach the door.

But perhaps no story has possessed a greater fascination than that of the lost Pegleg Mine. The story of this lost mine has been told and retold with many variations for the past seventy years, and more than a score of persons have lost their lives in attempting to rediscover it.

I am the more anxious to rediscover the Finke, if it still exists, because water has been by no means plentiful on the route along which I have lately been travelling; and I believe a better country exists upon the other side of the mountains. At starting, Carmichael and I at first walked across the plain, we being encamped upon its southern end.