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But on the evening of the first day there came yet other tidings of a reactive character, Saying that a confounded abolitionist man-of-war was still there giving block-aid to Uncle Sam. And HOLLINS, who was in town, being asked what this might mean, Said, 'Fudge! 'Go to, it is naught. Now I come to think of it, there was one infernal little sneaking 90-gun Yankee frigate,

It is true, vitality and reactive energy might have survived such a process; but that vitality would have shown itself just as it has in France in struggles and convulsions.

A peri-articular abscess may spread in several directions, sometimes invading tendon sheaths or bursæ, and finally reaching the skin surface by tortuous sinuses. Reactive changes in the vicinity of tuberculous joints are of common occurrence, and play a considerable part in the production of what is clinically known as white swelling.

If, on the other hand, an animal discovers the cause of the grief or loss which threatens it; if some enemy creature tries to rob it of its mate or little ones, the mixed reactive feeling of rage or anger is born in it, anger against the originator of its discontent. Jealousy is only a definite special form of this anger reaction. A further development of the feeling of sympathy is that of duty.

There will have to be a great revolution in the thought of the people in regard to these inseparable things. =The Inseparables.= The fact is that, strong personalities, a high standard of qualifications, and a respectable salary go hand in hand. They rise and fall together; they are reactive, one upon the other.

In actual cases the need goes deeper. A being capable of self-direction ordinarily has capacities imperfectly realized. Changing other things, he also changes himself; and it becomes a part of his aim in action to make these changes advantageous, and each act helpfully reactive. Accordingly the aim at self-development regularly attends self-direction.

This persistence of thought-inertia is the leading idea of modern history. Except as reflected in himself, man has no reason for assuming unity in the universe, or an ultimate substance, or a prime-motor. The a priori insistence on this unity ended by fatiguing the more active or reactive minds; and Lord Bacon tried to stop it.

We who have survived the enthusiasm of that epoch, who are exhausted with its passions, and who have suffered from its reactive impulses, can scarcely comprehend the vivid faith and young-eyed joy of aspiration which sustained Shelley in his flight toward the region of impossible ideals.

India was at one time very near conversion, and in Egypt, and North Africa, and even in Turkey many secretly subscribed to the new doctrines. Two things, however, marred the plan of general reform and prevented its full accomplishment. In the first place the reform was too completely reactive.

One is allied with "saintly days," followed by a reactive energy, vigorous and crushing; the other is amalgamated with an epoch of broadest thought and keenest iconoclasm; both are now enjoying a toleration giving them peace, and affording them ample room for the fullest progress.