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Though the dark seas rose up capped with foam around her, she sprang lightly over them, guided by his experienced hands, scarcely shipping a drop of water. Thus she went on during the night. When morning dawned she had run the island out of sight. As the wind had been gradually decreasing, and the sea going down, they were able to re-stow the boat.

"A regular boxin'-glove," exclaimed David, hitting the operator a gentle tap on the nose with it. "Thank 'ee, friend," said the amateur surgeon, as he proceeded to re-stow his materials in the medicine chest; "you know that the Fishermen's Mission never asks a rap for its services, but neither does it expect to receive a rap without asking. Come, David, you mustn't flourish it about like that.

"It is just the jolliest picnic I ever was at," said Graham, helping to wash and clear away, and re-stow spoons and forks. "Of course it is," said Phil. "There never can be another quite so nice: it is my first one, you know." "Yes; just think of it, and it's my fiftieth, I suppose; but then you must not think all picnics like this.

All this collection would have to be either got rid of entirely or largely reduced, so I decided to bring up at the little islet of which I had spoken, and overhaul and re-stow the boat by daylight. "Look astern," cried Lucia, as I shall now call her; "isn't it pretty? And see, there is another fleet ahead of us, and much nearer."