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Updated: January 12, 2025
"Constantius adversus Persas et Saporem, qui Mesopotamiam vastaverant, novem prasliis parum prospere decertavit." Orosius, Hist. vii. 39. The death of Constantine was followed by the division of the Roman world among his sons. The vast empire with which Sapor had almost made up his mind to contend was partitioned out into three moderate-sized kingdoms.
I gave the letter to James; telling him not to awaken me with the answer till he came at eleven o'clock; and after eating a good meal, I went to my bed and fell sound asleep; and it seemed scarcely five minutes, before James came knocking, with Mr. Chiffinch's answer. I sat up on my bed and read it my mind still swimming with sleep. "Prospere procede!" it ran. "I will observe all that you say.
During the session and after the election Lamartine sent to me by an usher the following lines: C'est un etat peu prospere D'aller d'Empis en Ampere. I replied to him by the same usher: Toutefois ce serait pis D'aller d'Ampere en Empis. October 4, 1847. I have just heard M. Viennet say: "I think in bronze." December 29, 1848. Friday.
But when through long and continuall peace, thei began to bee altogether given to pleasure and delicatenesse, little regardyng Marciall feates, nor soche as were expert in the practise thereof: Their dominions and estates, did not so moche before increase and prospere, as then by soche meanes and oversight, thei sodainly fell into decaie and utter ruine.
Parati namque omnes ad viam, et cum dominis episcopis connumerati septem milia, pertranseuntes prospere multa terrarum spatia, tandem Constantinopolim peruenimus. Vbi Alexium Imperatorem eius adorantes Agiosophiam vidimus, et infinita sanctuaria osculati sumus.
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