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I've got a noospaper, an' only four weeks' old, the Seattle Post-Intelligencer." "Has the United States and Spain " "Not so fast, not so fast!" The long Yankee waved his arms for silence, cutting off Frona's question which was following fast on that of Corliss. "But have you read it?" they both demanded. "Unh huh, every line, advertisements an' all." "Then do tell me," Frona began. "Has "

Practically the only time this rule was broken was in the printing of the song "Christians At War" by John F. Kendrick, taken from the I. W. W. song book. The Seattle Post-Intelligencer gave a photographic reproduction of the cover page of the book and of the page containing the song.

"And such a nice young man, too! I should think he'd have more consideration for his family, if not for himself." "Who's that?" Mr. Daney demanded, emerging from behind the Seattle Post-Intelligencer. "Donald McKaye." "What about him?" Mr. Daney demanded, with slight emphasis on the pronoun. "Oh, nothing; only " "Only what?" "People say he's unduly interested in Nan Brent."

Seattle Post-Intelligencer. "Quite the most amusing and delectable bit of nonsense that has come to light for a long time." Life. "One of the most alluring books of the season." Louisville Courier-Journal. "The joyous abounding charm of 'Iole' is indescribable. It is for you to read. 'Iole' is guaranteed to drive away the blues." New York Press. "Mr.

Two newspaper reporters, William E. Jones of the Seattle Post-Intelligencer, and J. J. Underwood of the Seattle Times, were placed upon the stand in order to lay the foundation for an introduction of an article appearing in the P-I on Sunday morning, November 5th.

The title is adopted from the phrase used by the President of the Commission in his response; to which a leading journal of the Pacific coast, "The Seattle Post-Intelligencer," promptly added that the address "spoke for the whole people of the United States," and was "the concrete expression of a desire that animates nine tenths of all our citizens."