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I had seen a proud and gorgeously upholstered lady lolling languidly in a motor car, and looking extremely pleased with herself not without reason; and I had met two successful men of great presence, who reminded me somehow of "Porkin and Snob"; and I had noticed a droll little bundle of a baby, in a fawn-coloured woollen suit, with a belt slipped almost to her knees, and sweet round eyes as purple as pansies, who was hunting a rolling apple amongst "the wild mob's million feet"; and I had seen a worried-looking matron, frantically waving her umbrella to the driver of an omnibus, endanger the silk hat of Porkin and disturb the complacency of Snob; and I felt glad.

"His breakfast was as cold as a grave stun, and she didn’t keer if ’twas. She had enough to do ’tendin’ to other affairs, without keepin’ the niggers and dogs from porkin’ thar noses in it." At a late hour Dr. Lacey awoke from his uneasy slumber. The return of morning brought comparative calmness to his troubled spirit. Hope whispered that what he had heard might be a mistake.

Leaning against the wall, close beside the seat Mr. Pickwick had taken, was an office-lad of fourteen, with a tenor voice; near him a common-law clerk with a bass one. A clerk hurried in with a bundle of papers, and stared about him. 'Sniggle and Blink, cried the tenor. 'Porkin and Snob, growled the bass. 'Stumpy and Deacon, said the new-comer.