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In the year 1208 Azzo VI succeeded in driving Salinguerra out of Ferrara, and the city having wearied of the long feud made the victor its hereditary Podest

"Diavolo! A pretty theory this, which would teach the young people of Elba that there is no actual podest

The podest

Did the church condescend to notice such an unbelieving republican, it would be to command all its faithful to unite in their prayers for his destruction." "Raoul Yvard!" repeated Ghita, with sufficient astonishment in her manner to satisfy any reasonable amount of wonder on the part of the other. "Are you certain, Signor Podest

Andrea Barrofaldi now set about a cautious and deliberate examination of the papers shown him. They proved to be of a nature to remove every doubt; and it was not possible to distrust the party that presented them. This was a great deal toward convicting the Signore Smees of imposition, though both the vice-governatore and the podest

The answer being in the affirmative, there was a hurried consultation among some of the principal men in the crowd, and then the podest

"The ring is not suited to thy masquerade, friend of mine," he essayed with a third; "and it would be wise not to trouble the podest

The vice-governatore having established relations so completely amicable with the "Signor Smees," could do no less than invite his guest to enter the palazzo, along with himself and the podest

During the latter half of the thirteenth century Parenzo was in constant contest with her bishop, resisting the financial demands of the ecclesiastical authority with threats and violence. A podest

The vice-governatore thought there was something contradictory in all this, and he subsequently said as much to his friend the podest