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Satanic humour plays in the stranger's eyes as he answers: "I am Edward Bucklaw, pirate and keeper of the treasure-house in the La Planta River." "Blood of Judas," Phips says, "how dare you speak to me? I'll have you in yon prison for an unhung rascal!" "Ah! you are a great man," is the unmoved reply. "I knew you'd feel that way.

I have given him the surgeoncy. I told Planta, who is much pleased. The Duke was sent for because the physicians intended to acquaint the King with his danger. He was restless yesterday. The bulletin says he passed a very distressing day. He walked across the room, however, and will probably last some days. In the House, East Retford till 8, when I came away. June 9. A better bulletin.

However, it will be done on the ground that the remission of such a question to a committee would derange, by existing apprehensions and hopes, the whole industry of the country. In fact it would likewise vest the Government in the committee. Peel, Planta, and Holmes all think the division will be close. I do not apprehend that, if the debate be well conducted.

By the evening's post two letters arrived for us at Sir Charles's house: one for myself, and one for my employer. Sir Charles's ran thus: "I only just pulled through! A very small slip nearly lost me everything. I believed you were going to Schloss Planta that day, not to Schloss Lebenstein. You changed your mind en route. That might have spoiled all.

Armed with these, we drove off one fine afternoon, meaning to go to Planta, by Césarine's recommendation. Half-way there, however, we changed our minds, as it was such a lovely day, and went on up the long, slow hill to Lebenstein. I must say the drive through the grounds was simply charming. Chestnuts line the glens; the valley of the Etsch spreads below like a picture.