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In 1864 the building was enlarged, and external workshops have since been added. The institution is entirely supported by voluntary contributions, though a few paying pupils are admitted. The pupils are taught any industrial trade which may support them in after-life, such as piano-tuning, knitting, chair-caning, basket-making, as well as the usual branches of a useful education.

In the next room another group was mending the seats of rattaned chairs; in the next they were making raffia baskets; in the next willow baskets, chairs and tables. Another lot was learning to set type for books for the blind; others were learning typewriting, piano-tuning, barrel making and boot repairing.

Two of the houses in Arthur Street are occupied by piano-tuners, and bear brass plates. I do not object to that. Piano-tuning is a profession, and I suppose that, in a way, I should be considered a professional man myself. Nor do I object to the letting of apartments, as long as it is done modestly, and without large, vulgar notice-boards.

"This poor child what work can he do?" "You'd be surprised; and his ear is excellent. We're thinking of putting him to piano-tuning." "We are thinking?" "Yes, Owen; these little boys live here with me in the new wing. I'm afraid they are not very comfortable there, but they don't complain." "Seven little crippled boys, whom you look after!"

Talk to her of the new story; divert her; for this day her heart has been twisted sorely." McClintock without further speech strode toward his bungalow; and half an hour later Spurlock, passing, heard the piano-tuning key at work. Spurlock plodded through the heavy sand, leaden in the heart and mind as well as in the feet.