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These phrases are, to be sure, those of our literary and imaginative chronicler, but the substance is that of attested words from Charles. M, Petit-Dutaillis accepts it.

With these cessions were included all adjacent islands, and all islands held by the English king at that time, so that the Channel islands were by implication recognised as English. On the importance of this, see the paper of MM. Petit-Dutaillis and P. Collier, La Diplomatie française et le Traité de Brétigny in Le Moyen Age, 2e serie, tome i. , pp. 1-35.

Creighton, C.: History of Epidemics in Britain, two volumes. This gives especial attention to the nature of the disease. Trevelyan, G. M.: England in the Age of Wycliffe. This book, published in 1899, gives by far the fullest account of the Peasant Rising which has so far appeared in English. Petit-Dutaillis, C., et Reville, A.: Le Soulèvement des Travailleurs d'Angleterre en 1381.

This stronghold, under its hereditary warden, the valiant old lady, Nichola de Camville, had already twice withstood a siege. On Nichola de Camville or de la Hay see M. Petit-Dutaillis in Mélanges Julien Havet, pp. 369-80. Louis found no great encouragement in France, for Philip Augustus, too prudent to offend the Church, gave but grudging support to his excommunicated son.

Histoire de Guillaume le Maréchal, published by P. Meyer for the Soc. de l'histoire de France. Petit-Dutaillis, Étude sur Louis VIII. , and G.J. Turner, Minority of Henry III., part i, in Transactions of the Royal Hist. Soc., new ser., viii. , 245-95, are the best modern commentaries on the history of the marshal's regency. William Marshal had recognized that the regency must end with him.