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Ye'll never git no chance to make me yer slave, and beat me and starve me t' death as yo' did Nance Brill. I ain't gwine t' fool with yer pervarsity nary a minnit longer. Say this instant whether yo'll do as I say with a freewill and good heart, or out goes yer peeper." "Yo' sw'ar hit?" she demanded. "Yes, I sw'ar hit," answered Jeff. Mrs.

''Tis the pervarsity av the sect, sez I to mesilf, an' gave my cap another cock on my head an' straightened my back 'twas the back av a Dhrum Major in those days an' wint off as tho' I did not care, wid all the women in the Married Quarters laughin'. I was pershuaded most bhoys are, I'm thinkin' that no women born av woman cud stand against me av I hild up my little finger.

"I'm an ould fool," said Mulvaney, reflectively, "dhraggin' you two out here bekaze I was undher the Black Dog sulkin' like a child. Me that was soldierin' when Mullins, an' be damned to him, was shquealin' on a counterpin for five shillin' a week an' that not paid! Bhoys, I've took you five miles out av natural pervarsity. Phew!"

"'Tis the pervarsity av the sect," sez I to mesilf, an' gave my cap another cock on my head an' straightened my back 'twas the back av a Dhrum Major in those days an' wint off as tho' I did not care, wid all the women in the Married Quarters laughin', I was pershuaded most bhoys are I'm thinkin' that no woman born av woman cud stand against me av I hild up my little finger.