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"I had gone to the Farmacia," he continued, "and was sitting there comfortably, when suddenly I remembered that Perfetta had heated water an hour ago over there, look, covered with a cushion. I came away at once, for really he must be washed. You must excuse me. I can put it off no longer." "I have wasted your time," she said feebly.

She understood little babies from long experience in a district, and Gino soon ceased to give her directions, and only gave her thanks. "It is very kind of you," he murmured, "especially in your beautiful dress. He is nearly clean already. Why, I take the whole morning! There is so much more of a baby than one expects. And Perfetta washes him just as she washes clothes. Then he screams for hours.

Grandcourt gave her one of his narrow examining glances, and then said, "If you like, we can go to Spezia in the morning, and let them take us up there." "No; I shall like nothing better than this." "Very well: we'll do the same to-morrow. But we must be turning in soon. I shall put about." "Ritorna a tua scienza Che vuoi, quanto la cosa e più perfetta Più senta if bene, e cosi la doglienza."

"Well, your business," said Gino, after a puzzled sigh. "Our business Miss Abbott has told you of that." "No." "But surely " "She came for business. But she forgot about it; so did I." Perfetta, who had a genius for missing people, now returned, loudly complaining of the size of Monteriano and the intricacies of its streets. Gino told her to watch the baby.