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For nearly ten minutes, he stood perfectly motionless, and then, without a word, started up and walked rapidly away. The friends looked after him curiously till he was out of sight. "So she is not there," said Ormiston; "and our mysterious friend in the cloak is as much at a loss as we are ourselves. Where shall we go next to La Masque or the peat-house?"

His wife darted at him a look of concentrated scorn. "Get to bed!" she commanded him, declining to argue with such as he and but for the twinkling eyes of Jerry, which looked sympathy, Boyd would have preferred to have joined the exiled Ephraim under the dark pent among the coom of the peat-house. He looked to Jerry, but Jerry was sound asleep. So was Phil. So were all the others.

The whole farm breathed from its walls and broad yard spaces the peaceful rise and fall of an infant's repose. There was no sound about the warm and friendly place save the sleepy chunner of a hen on the bauks of the peat-house, just sufficiently awake to be conscious of her own comfort. The hill road was both stony and difficult, but Winsome's light feet went along it easily and lightly.

I am seated in the dining-room, having just concluded tidying our desk-boxes, writing this document. Papa is in the parlour Aunt upstairs in her room.... Victoria and Adelaide are ensconced in the peat-house. Keeper is in the kitchen Hero in his cage."