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"That's what the coroner says, too lead poisoning," put in the druggist, himself as keen as anyone else for a piece of local news, and evidently not averse to stimulating talk from Dr. Gunther, who had been Pearcy's physician. "That all seems to be true enough," replied Gunther at length guardedly. "I recognized that some time ago."

"I got it up at Pearcy's," Kennedy replied frankly, turning to observe whether the druggist might betray any knowledge of it. "That's strange," he replied in genuine surprise. "Our water in Stratfield is supplied by a company to a large area, and it has always seemed to me to be of great organic purity." "But the pipes are of lead, are they not?" asked Kennedy.

"Seems to me the New York papers ought to have enough to do without sending men all over the country making news," he grunted. "Well," drawled Kennedy quietly, "there seems to be a most remarkable situation up there at Pearcy's and Minturn's, too. As nearly as I can make out several people there are suffering from unmistakable signs of lead poisoning.

There is the wrist-drop, the eyesight affected, the partial paralysis, the hallucinations and a condition in old Pearcy's case almost bordering on insanity to enumerate the symptoms that seem to be present in varying degrees in various persons in the two houses." Gunther looked at Kennedy, as if in doubt just how to take him.

It was in fact perfectly clear, and when he passed some of the gas through it nothing happened at all. Just then a man lounged into the store. "Hello, Doctor," greeted the druggist. "Here are a couple of fellows that have been investigating the water up at Pearcy's. They've found lead in it. That ought to interest you. This is Dr. Gunther," he introduced, turning to us.

Personally, I don't think Pearcy himself was resistant. Perhaps Minturn was not, either. At any rate, after Pearcy's death, it was I who advised Minturn to take the electrolysis cure in New York. I took him down there," added Gunther. "Confound it, I wish I had stayed with him.