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The chair is rather far off, the cards are dirty, and sometimes Houdebine asks his silent adversary: "What's that?" Panchat takes the card and holds it out at arm's length. Houdebine laughs gaily. He plays his cards one after the other, and dummy's hand also: "Trump! Trump! Trump! And ace of hearts!" Even those who cannot see anything laugh too. Panchat is vexed, but he too laughs noiselessly.

But a good deal of amusement is still to be got out of these precious bits of old paste-board. Panchat supports himself on his elbow, Houdebine has to keep on his back, because of his knee. He holds his cards against his chin, and throws them down energetically on the chair with his right hand.

Maville joins in at the second verse, and even Legras, whose two legs are broken, and the Chasseur Alpin, who has a hole in his skull. Panchat, the man who had a bullet through his neck, beats time with his finger, because he is forbidden to speak. All this goes on in low tones; but faces light up, and flush, as if a bottle of brandy had been passed round.

Then Houdebine turns to Panchat and says: "Will you have a game of dummy manilla, Panchat?" Dummy manilla is a game for two; and they have to be content with games for two, because no one in this ward can get up, and communication is only easy for those in adjacent beds. Panchat makes a sign of consent. Why should he not play dummy manilla, which is a silent game.