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He make me count like whisper so twenty, treinta, cuarenta . Who knows," concluded Ylario, with a deprecating spread of his hands, "for what that doctor do those verree droll and such-like things?" "What horses are up?" asked Raidler shortly. "Paisano is grazing out behind the little corral, señor." "Saddle him for me at once." Within a very few minutes the cattleman was mounted and away.

Paisano, well named after that ungainly but swift-running bird, struck into his long lope that ate up the ground like a strip of macaroni. In two hours and a quarter Raidler, from a gentle swell, saw the branding camp by a water hole in the Guadalupe. Sick with expectancy of the news he feared, he rode up, dismounted, and dropped Paisano's reins.

While he lay thus, meditating upon his blessings, little brown cottontails would shyly frolic through the yard; a covey of white-topknotted blue quail would run past, in single file, twenty yards away; a paisano bird, out hunting for tarantulas, would hop upon the fence and salute him with sweeping flourishes of its long tail.

He make me count like whisper so twenty, /treinta/, /cuarenta/. Who knows," concluded Ylario, with a deprecating spread of his hands, "for what that doctor do those verree droll and such-like things?" "What horses are up?" asked Raidler shortly. "Paisano is grazing out behind the little corral, /senor/." "Saddle him for me at once." Within a very few minutes the cattleman was mounted and away.

"The nationals are coming," said a paisano to Quesada. "Then," said he, "I am lost," and forthwith prepared himself for death. There is a celebrated coffee-house in the Calle d'Alcala at Madrid, capable of holding several hundred individuals.

Though the foreigners laughed at the fables of the priests and ridiculed the monks, they yet were honest in their dealings with the people instead of taking by violence. As there are no people so besotted that they do not admire courage and honesty, so the Paisano looks upon the heretic as a man of a superior race to himself.

Imagining, doubtless, that he was declaiming their praises, the enthusiastic assemblage responded, "! !" !" We got rid of our paisano with difficulty, and only under a promise to visit his chacra, somewhere in the vicinity, next morning.

Your 'Paisano' can point out many a man who has, for fifteen to twenty days in succession, bagged up five to ten ounces of gold a-day. Our placer, or gold region, now extends over 300 or 400 miles of country, embracing all the creeks and branches on the east side of the river Sacramento and one side of the San Joaquin.

Sitting hunched over on the spring-seat of a big farm wagon, clad in overalls and a print shirt, with a wide hat tilted against the sun and a cigarette dangling from his lips, he was indistinguishable from any other paisano on the road. This change in appearance was helped by the fact that he had grown a heavy moustache.

"It is true," he said, "that I am fleeing the country. But, receive the assurance that I care very little for that. Courts and camps everywhere are open to Sabas Placido. Vaya! what is this molehill of a republic this pig's head of a country to a man like me? I am a paisano of everywhere.