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William of Tyre, who describes the transaction as a partisan of the patriarch, plainly says that the pope took bribes to decide as he did. But Pagi denies this flatly, and affirms that Adrian proceeded in this, as well as in every other act of his authority, conscientiously and disinterestedly.

It was for this reason that Numa encouraged agriculture among the Romans, as a spell to charm away war, and loved the art more because of its influence on men's minds than because of the wealth which it produced. He divided the whole country into districts, which he called pagi, and appointed a head man for each, and a patrol to guard it.

The pattern when completed is in all the individuals nearly the same. In the year 1783 the son of a raja of one of the Pagi islands came over to Sumatra on a visit of curiosity, and, being an intelligent man, much information was obtained from him.

The probability is heightened by the direction of the islands Nias, Batu, Mantawei, Pagi, Mego, etc., the similarity of the rock, soil, and productions, and the regularity of soundings between them and the main, whilst without them the depth is unfathomable.

He said that the inhabitants of the Pagi islands derived their origin from the orang mantawei of the island called Si Biru. North-westward of the Pagi islands, and at no great distance, lies that of Si Porah, commonly denominated Good Fortune Island, inhabited by the same race as the former, and with the same manners and language.

Vid. also Elphinstone, vol. ii. p. 366. "Our victorious army bears the gates of the temple of Somnauth in triumph from Affghanistan, and the despoiled tomb of Sultan Mahmood looks upon the ruins of Ghuznee. The insult of 800 years is at last avenged," etc., etc. Proclamation of the Governor-General to all the princes, chiefs, and people of India. Gibbon. Universal Hist. Baronius, Pagi. Gibbon.

Pagi relates that the partisans of Frederic told a story to this effect that Pope Adrian died by a judgment of God, who permitted him while drinking at a well, a few days after denouncing excommunication against the emperor, to swallow a fly, which stuck in his throat, and could not be extracted by the surgeons, till the patient had expired through the inflammation produced by the accident.

It was re-interred under the pavement of the new basilica. According to Pagi, Pope Adrian IV. composed Catechisms of Christian Doctrine for the Swedes and Norwegians, a Memoir of his Mission to those nations de Legatione sua various Homilies, and a Treatise on the Conception of the Blessed Virgin, performances which appear to have perished.