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These people were his family, yes but they were also citizens of the Empire, and he was a Ranger; he used his authority without having to think about it. "Look, as far as I'm concerned, this whole thing is damn near unbelievable. Maybe it's asking too much for you to believe I've had what Hovan calls Kranath's Vision, or that I've made an Ordeal's Decision so soon.

I was " "I know," Daria interrupted, putting her other hand over his. "That you continue when you feel certain of death does you honor. You are so intense, Steve. Relax, let the chovas soothe you." "I can now, I guess. But I'm still worried. From what Hovan's told me, the Ordeal's no picnic, even if I do get help from the Lords." "That is true, es'ruhar, but be easy.

"Part of the Ordeal's having to decide whether or not to tell you something that may drive insane those of you it doesn't kill outright? That's insane." "It is far more than is asked of most," Hovan agreed indirectly. "I had to decide only between honor and my own life." "You're here, so it must've been a setup." "Yes. I was angry when I found out, yet also pleased to keep my life.

"So you us life in honor bring. That good is." "If I live." Tarlac frowned. "Hovan . . . I don't think I will live. I haven't thought so since I boarded your ship, and since the fight, I've been certain of it. This Ordeal's going to kill me." He paused and shrugged, wondering at his own calm. "Oh, that won't keep me from trying.

"I hated to do it. I think, too, she intended to be hateful. I saw it in her face, so I just slid away without giving her a chance. I'm glad that ordeal's over. Now I must find some partners for Ida. The dancing will soon begin." This proved an easy task. Whatever might be freshman opinion of Jane Allen, she had more friends among the sophomores than she had believed possible.

"Swear by your love for Vanno, and his for you." "I swear by my love for Vanno and his love for me." Marie bent down suddenly, seized Mary's hand, and kissed it. "Thank you," she said. "Now I can be at peace, for a little while. Now I can be glad that you're engaged to Vanno. And we may see each other, and all four be happy together. The ordeal's over."