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About half of these ladies were summer residents of Leith in charge of the well-known social leader, Mrs. Patterson Pomfret, an organized league which, it is understood, will follow the candidate about the State in the English fashion, kissing the babies and teaching the mothers hygienic cooking and how to ondule the hair."

About half of these ladies were summer residents of Leith in charge of the well-known social leader, Mrs. Patterson Pomfret, an organized league which, it is understood, will follow the candidate about the State in the English fashion, kissing the babies and teaching the mothers hygienic cooking and how to ondule the hair."

Madame von Marwitz was amused by the complexities of luxury among which she found herself, some of which, even to her, were novel. "Eh, eh, ma chère," she had said to Miss Scrotton, "beautiful if you will, and very beautiful; but its nails are too much polished, its hair too much ondulé. I prefer a porcelain to a marble bath-tub."

'It waves charmingly already' murmured the artist 'but it must be just a little more ondule in the right places just a touch here and there. Quick, Marie! bring me the stove and the tongs and two or three of those finest hairpins.

About half of these ladies were summer residents of Leith in charge of the well-known social leader, Mrs. Patterson Pomfret, an organized league which, it is understood, will follow the candidate about the State in the English fashion, kissing the babies and teaching the mothers hygienic cooking and how to ondule the hair."

'Why, they had got as far as flouncing their gowns and puffing their sleeves! Their hair! 'Dear me, they must have had a M. Raoul to ondulé and dress it. 'Amazing! was there ever anything so modern dug out of the earth before? 'No, nothing like it! he said, holding the pictures up again between the glass and his kindling eye. 'Ce sont vraiment des Parisiennes!