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We claim the right to employ men without asking whether they are unionist or non-unionist." "Which means," said Ned, "the right to victimise unionists." "How is that?" asked Strong. "We know how. Do you suppose for a moment, Mr. Strong, that ideas spring up with nothing behind them?

Still, roughly speaking, a man worker is a unionist or a non-unionist just the same, be he single or married. But how different it is with a girl! The counter influence exerted by marriage upon organization is not confined to those girls who leave the trade, and of course the union, if they have belonged to one, after they have married.

Then is a chance of getting regular dock work, and that is, to lounge about the pubs where the foremen go, and treat them. Then they will very likely take you on next day." R. P. was a non-Unionist. Henry F. is a Unionist. His history is much the same. "I worked at St. Katherine's Docks five months ago. You have to get to the gates at 6 o'clock for the first call.

"You can go on picking-up in this man's place," he said to the jackeroo, whose reference showed him to be a non-union man a "free-labourer", as the pastoralists had it, or, in plain shed terms, "a blanky scab". He was now in the comfortable position of a non-unionist in a union shed who had jumped into a sacked man's place.

As for Robert her husband, he was a poor stick, said the neighbours. And yet he was a man with enough of hardihood to remain a non-unionist in the erectors' shop at Maidment's all the years of his service; no mean test of a man's fortitude and resolution, as many a sufferer for independent opinion might testify. The truth was that Bob never grew out of his courtship-blindness. Mrs.

The non-unionist, like the unionist, must be protected in all his legal rights by the full weight and power of the law. This question came up before me in the shape of the right of a non-union printer named Miller to hold his position in the Government Printing Office. As I said before, I believe in trade unions. I always prefer to see a union shop.

In his home, the worker, whether he is a unionist or non-unionist, goes on producing large numbers of children to compete with him eventually in the labor market.