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This feast was annual, and frequently about the month of May. In some places it passed off quietly; in others it was associated with games, sham-fights, night-dances, etc., and lasted for days. In time of war special feasts were ordered by the priests. Of the offerings on war occasions women and children were forbidden to partake, as it was not their province to go to battle.

At these night-dances all kinds of obscenity in looks, language, and gesture prevailed; and often they danced and revelled till daylight. Court buffoons furnished some amusement at dancing and other festivals, and also at public meetings.

Night-dances, races, club exercise, battles, public meetings, and some of the ordinary employments of daily life were all there. The pool was covered over, but by the removal of a stone this "chamber of imagery" could be all seen. Everything seemed so real that a man one day was so enraptured with the sight of one of his favourite sports that he jumped in to join a dancing party.

Night-dances and their attendant immoralities wound up the ceremonies. The marriage ceremonies of common people passed off in a house, and with less display; but the same obscene form was gone through to which we have referred a custom which, doubtless, had some influence in cultivating chastity, especially among young women of rank.

Then there was singing and night-dances, and then, too, if the child danced and sang, and was "impudent," the parents boasted over its abilities. Twins were rare. Triplets still more so; indeed, there is only a vague tradition of such a thing. Twins were supposed to be of one mind, and to think, feel, and act alike, during the time of infancy and childhood at least.