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The Nazri Pass road, which we alone know, has been widened. What more could man do?" "That is well," said the other. "It is well for you and your people that you have done this. Your service shall not be forgotten. Otherwise " "Otherwise?" said the Fazir Khan, his hand travelling to his belt at the sound of a threat. The man laughed. "You know the tale," he said.

His dominant wish was to escape from their sight. He turned to the descent. "I am going to Nazri," he said. The chief held out his pistol. "Take your little weapon. We have no need of such things when great matters are on hand. Allah speed you, brother! A sure foot and a keen eye may bring you there in time for the sport." And, still laughing, he turned to enter the hut.

Thwaite was strong enough in Bardur, but the town might give him trouble of itself, and he was not a man of resources. After Bardur there was no need of thought. Two hours after the telegraph clicked in the Nazri hut, the north of India would have heard the news and be bestirring itself for work. In five hours all would be safe, unless Bardur could be taken and the wires cut.

His watch had been stolen, but he guessed by the heavens that it was some two hours after noon. Five hours would bring him to Nazri at six, in another he might be at the hut before the wires were severed. It was a crazy chance, but it was his all, and meanwhile these grinning tribesmen were watching him like some curious animal. They had talked to him freely to mock his feebleness.