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We then took up the subject of British interference with proposed irrigation works in Mysore, and resolved that the Mysoreans should be allowed to have the full use of the water of Mysore for irrigation purposes, and be free from any interference as long as the water, or what is left of it, is returned to its original channel.

This died away, however, when they saw the three crossbars blocking their entrance. Again two pistol shots carried death among them. "Load your guns, Surajah." But before Surajah had time to do so, the Mysoreans made a rush at the door. The defenders stepped forward and fired between the crossbars, and then, drawing their tulwars, ran the two men in front through the body.

There was no path, for the people of Tripataly had no occasion to visit Mysore, and still less desire for a visit from the Mysoreans.

The Mysoreans, being up-country men and agriculturists, were not likely even to have seen the sea until they became slaves of Angria. The Marathas would be loath to embark; they belonged to a warrior race which had for centuries lived by raiding its neighbors; but being forbidden by their religion to eat or drink at sea they would never make good seamen.

"I could not give blows; I should die. It was told us today that the English are about to attack this fort. They will set us free; we need run no risks." "Wah!" exclaimed one of the Mysoreans. "If the Firangi get into the fort, we shall all be murdered." "That is truth," said a Maratha. "The Rho would have our throats cut at once." The Babu groaned.

The others, however, swung it forward with a crash against the door. The end of the beam went right through the rotten woodwork. Dick and Surajah fired their last musket shots with as deadly effect as before. The next blow dashed the door from its hinges, and, split and shattered by the former shocks, it fell forward into the road, while a yell of triumph broke from the Mysoreans.

The same evening the Mysoreans, with three thousand bullocks carrying their artillery and drawing their baggage, and three thousand more laden with rice and other provisions, arrived on the other bank of the Ariangopang river, crossed under the guns of the redoubt of that name, and entered the town.