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"But a hen of that character ought to crow as well as cackle. How much'll you take for her, cooky? I'll buy and start a hennery to stump the world. Anybody want to go in with me on this deal? San Leon Chinese Poultry Warranted to Make Possessors Rich! The Egg Trust of San Leon! I say, boys, the thing's just rippin'!" "Undo that little gate, Wunny. I'm going in to collect the eggs.

Tom told him about the stalled auto and what he wanted. "How much'll ye give?" shot in the farmer, right to the point. "What do you ask to drag the machine to town to the Corners, I mean?" "If it's where ye say it is, ten dollars!" "All right," agreed the boy. "Your wife knows I have the money. I'll pay you when we get to the Corners." "I know ye got the money," said the woman.

He wanted me to come first at a dollar." "Just like him. Didn't I tell you he was an out and outer? He'll be sure to take you in if you will let him." "But," said Paul, anxiously, "he said he'd raise it in a month or two." "He won't offer to; you'll have to tease him. And then how much'll he raise it? Not more than a quarter. How much do you think I get now?" "How long have you been here?"

He flung it aside each time Warrington handed it to him. But ever his master patiently returned it. At length, recognizing that the affair might be prolonged indefinitely, Rajah put two beads on the thread and tossed it aside. The Lascars jabbered, the Chinamen grinned, and the chief engineer's assistant swore approvingly. "How much'll you take for him?" "He's not for sale," answered Warrington.