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He needed no quartermaster; for he furnished his own "transportation," and selected his own encampment his bed was the bosom of mother-earth, and his tent was the foliage of an oak or the canopy of heaven. In most cases especially in battle he was his own commander, too; for he was impatient of restraint, and in savage warfare knew his duty as well as any man could instruct him.

What I want to lay before you for your very earnest consideration is this that we should take a profounder and broader view of Geography, of its fundamental conception, and of its scope and aim, than we have hitherto taken; and should regard the Earth as Mother-Earth, and the Beauty of her features as within the purview of Geography. I will state my case as clearly and briefly as I can.

Fragrance to the rose, is what the soul is to the body an imperishable essence, that lasts after the petals have meekly dropped, one by one, upon their mother-earth. A blessing upon the fragrance of sweet flowers! and a thousand blessings upon the power that gifted their leaves with such a dowry!

The little corporal in front turned round and cried, "Those are your future quarters, boys!" Vogt felt glad they were not in the town with its close alleys, but out in the open country, where one could feel nearer the fertile mother-earth; where the eye had an uninterrupted out-look, and where one could watch the sprouting and blossoming of springtime.

So the first point I have to put before you is that we geographers should regard the object of our science not as a magnified billiard-ball, but as a living being as Mother-Earth. Not as hard, unimpressionable, dull, and inert, but as live, supple, sensitive, and active active with an intensity of activity past all conceivability.

And nothing less than natural beauties, and nothing less than these beauties at their best, will in his exalted mood be satisfying to him. He will be driven irresistibly into the open air and the warm sunshine, and to the bosom of Mother-Earth.

"Tush!" she cried, with a gesture of extravagant contempt. "You mistake; I am no good-deeds monger, to give my bread and butter to the next beggar-lass. I tell you I am the woman who came first out of the womb of Mother-earth. I will yield only that which is snatched from me.

That instant Skag was flicked out of sight, taken into the folds of mother-earth and covered the bleat of a kid presently identifying the whole mystery. Skag fell about twelve feet into the black earth coolness. He was unhurt, and knew roughly what had happened before he landed.